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[Interview] Dr. Park Woo Hee, “Astonishing clinical effects…when presc…


Park Woo Hee, President of Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic, “91% immunity promotion was observed in patients with stage 4 or terminal cancer. Mica is the heaven’s gift.”
“Mica plays a role of empowering the police (NK cells) that has evaded powerful criminals (cancer cells).”


Dr. Park Woo Hee explains the clinical results of cancer treatment of ‘mica’ written in the Dongui Bogam.

“Mica is recorded in the Dongui Bogam, Compendium of Materia Medica and Shennong Ben Cao Jing, as a medicine to treat lethal disease like ‘cancer’ as we call it today. Because I thought these records could be found since the valuable clinical results clearly existed in the Oriental medicine compiled over thousands of years, I began prescribing mica to patients last year, and the outcomes have been just outstanding.”

Oriental Medicine Doctor Park Woo Hee, President of Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic who treats cancer and other incurable disease said, “Initially I was confused while I was reading the literature because I thought how just stones could be used as medicine. But as I was doing the research and applying it clinically, I couldn’t help just being astonished by its excellent efficacy.”

Mica is muscovite, a silicate mineral. Mica used as a medicine contains mainly silicic acid, aluminum and potassium [KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F, OH)2]. It is irregularly laminate and the size is not uniform. Its surface color is pale yellow-brown, pale green or pale gray, and it has pearly or glassy luster.

Dongui Bogam / 東醫寶鑑

How can this ordinary looking stone have such a great therapeutic effect?

According to the analysis of medical scientists, mica includes minerals such as germanium, silicon and selenium, which were shown to perform dynamic activities to exert therapeutic effects.

Dr. Park said, “In Korea, mica is mined in dozens of places nationwide, but not all of them have therapeutic effects,” and “In some places, mica containing minerals with therapeutic effects is mined, and I learned that mica referred to as medicine in medical books such as the Dongui Bogam was actually the mineral mined in these regions.”

She added, “So far, the clinical results of Trinity Korean Medicine Institute and Clinic show that the rate of promoting immunity in patients with stage 4 and terminal cancer reaches 91%,” and “Mica is a precious gift that God has given to human race. Thus, if not only more Oriental medicine doctors and medical doctors in Korea but also overseas medical communities participate actively in clinical trials, this will lead to much greater results.”

A patient consults Dr. Park Woo Hee.

The following is the interview with Dr. Park.

▷ It is extraordinary that mica was recorded as a cure for incurable disease like cancer in the old medical books such as the Dongui Bogam written in the Joseon period when scientific clinical evidence must have been scarce. Would you explain the actual clinical results?

In fact, when I heard that mica was prescribed as a cure for incurable diseases in the medical book hundreds of years ago, I couldn’t believe it. However, if it is true, I think there should be clear reasons, and there have been words about the therapeutic effects of mica among some Oriental medicine doctors. So, I began prescribing mica from the early last year. I should tell you the results are really astonishing.

A 64 year old male patient with liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) showed complete remission on the CT and the return to normal values in the tumor marker test only after 1 month of cancer treatment.

A 86 year old female patient with two cancers, stage 4 lung cancer (metastasized to the thymus) and the primary carcinoma of thyroid cancer, showed the remarkable reduction in the size of tumor from 5 cm to 1 cm only after 1 month of prescription, and with consistent treatment, she has been improving day after day.

These results have been confirmed with the CT scan in the large general hospital where the patients had been treated before.

86 year old female patient with stage 4 lung cancer metastasized to the thymus. After 1 month of prescription of mica, the notable reduction in the size of lung tumor can be seen on the CT. [Photo credit: Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic]

64 year old male patient with liver cancer (HCC). After 1 month of prescription of mica, complete remission can be seen on the CT and the tumor marker test returns normal values. [Photo credit: Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic]

▷ I am wondering what have been recorded in medical books.

In the Dongui Bogam that complied Oriental medicine, it is written that ‘the properties of mica are plain, its taste is sweet and it is non-toxic. It comforts the five viscera, improves the vision, reinforces the middle entrails and stops dysentery”.

Particularly notable is what was written about incurable disease. In the Joseon period, ‘Ong-jeo’, ‘Pye-ong’, ‘Gan-ong’, ‘Jang-ong’ or ‘Gol-ong’ are terms used to indicate cancer as we call the disease today.

The Dongui Bogam recorded that ‘the ‘unmogo’ that is a pill or bolus made of mica should be taken or pasted to Ong-jeo (external cancer including skin cancer), Pye-ong (lung cancer), Gan-ong (liver cancer), Jang-ong (bowel cancer) and Gol-ong (bone marrow cancer)’. It was just remarkable to see the detailed prescription as well as the fine classification of cancer types that occurred to each part of the human body at the time when anatomical technique didn’t exist.

I feel massively rewarded to see the patients find new life with the prescription of ‘mica’, who have been told by large general hospitals that there would be no more treatment and only one or two months were left in their lives due to pancreatic cancer, liver cancer or brain tumor.

Mica therapy recorded in the Dongui Bogam. Mica was made into pills or bolus, and ingested or pasted.

▷ It is known that people are vulnerable to cancer when their immunity is lowered. How can we understand the mica’s mechanism of action?

Generally, cancer is more likely to occur when immune functions are lowered. Cancer cells are generated in the body along with normal cells, and in normal people, natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages shall kill cancer cells. In contrast, if immune functions are lowered, the activity of these NK cells and macrophages is compromised and the ‘immune evasion’ stage is reached.

An analogy to crime movies will make it easier to understand. If a crime organization (cancer cells) is too large, the police (NK cells) tries to compromise or even to evade it. The cells including NK cells that play a role of the police in the body give up fighting against cancer cells.

The research by medical scientists shows that ‘mica’ does not directly kill cancer cells but activates the functions of NK cells and macrophages to fight and win over cancer cells. The anti-cancer mechanism of mica has been published in a journal of Nature Publishing Company by a Seoul National University research group (Scientific Report 2015).

▷ If mica activates the immune cells, I think it can also help treating other diseases in addition to cancer.

It’s a great question. Actually, I also came to the same reasoning, and later confirmed the effect in my father. My father has been suffering from autoimmune encephalitis since 2010. He was treated with mica in June last year, and his condition has been improved amazingly.

I have prescribed mica to not only my father but also other patients with various diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and dermatitis that occur due to lowered immunity, and had better results than expected.

Mica raw material (left), and mica medicines including ‘Cheon-unmom’, ‘In-unmo’ and ‘Ji-unmo’ made by grinding mica raw material.

▷ I am wondering if all mica has the similar effect.

As far as I know, there are 30 places nationwide where mica is mined. However, mica with therapeutic effects is produced in only a few places. Such mica with therapeutic effects contains an appropriate amount of minerals including germanium, silicon and selenium.

Processing methods of mica also make difference in therapeutic effects. I process mica with the traditional method as written in the Dongui Bogam and prescribe it. It was shown that ‘Cheon-unmo’ has high efficacy in lung, the digestive system and reproductive organs, and ‘In-unmo’ has in diabetes and controlling inflammation.

However, some mica has less active components. And if harmful components are not removed because mica is not processed, we cannot expect the therapeutic effects. To express such mica with low efficacy, we say it has the low level of quality. It will be beneficial to patients if any medical staff who want to use mica in prescription should be able to distinguish mica for medicine through sufficient preliminary study and analysis, and consult the expert with long clinical experience for processing mica.

Safe mica is used, which has passed all the heavy metal tests of the National Institute for Korean Medicine Development designated by KFDA [Provided by Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic]

▷ This is completely different from the cancer treatment by large general hospitals based on the Western medicine. Which direction do you think is desirable in order to increase the complete cure rate of patients suffering from cancer?

Modern medicine kills cancer cells directly through chemotherapy. However, if the patient’s body is transformed into the environment where cancer cells are growing, those cancer cells will inevitably grow again after a certain time. Particularly, chemotherapy is so difficult a process that the patients who are elderly or weak have hard times in enduring the process.

As I told you earlier, mica activates NK cells and macrophages, to exert an effect of empowering the ‘police’ to take down the ‘criminal organization (cancer cells)’ In particular, it was shown to have even higher efficacy if used side by side with acupuncture.

For the sake of patients, the collaboration between the Western medicine and Oriental medicine as integrated medicine will be of great help in many aspects.

Dr. Park Woo Hee explains the difference in the therapeutic effects of mica according to the production site nationwide.

As for me, I think a larger synergy will be possible if I can share my secret recipe for cancer treatment accumulated for patients so far, and knowhow of appetite enhancement, sound sleep and pain relief with the like-minded medical professionals.

For this, I am currently conducting a cancer specific network Korean medicine MSO project with a cancer specialist platform company Jowin Co. Ltd. founded by medical doctor You Yeon Jeong. In the long term, I would like to share great treatment methods of Korean medicine based on the Dongui Bogam with overseas cancer patients and medical staffs.

The wish of all the people is to live healthy.

Suffering from incurable disease like cancer in the unwanted time is a big pain for not only patients but also their family.

Medical staff and medicine will be surely helpful for cancer treatment, but the possibility of complete recovery will be higher when the patients themselves have a strong will to ‘overcome the disease no matter what’ with the mindset of ‘loving themselves’.

What I have found out and realized while I was constantly treating cancer patients is that the patients overcoming cancer, for whom treatment worked well, were those who always prayed regardless of religion and had a good character of always smiling and being thankful. So, I consider the psychological and emotional states of the cancer patients an important element of treatment, and also focus on psychological counseling and treatment.

If the patients has the strong will to carry on along with effective therapy, I think we can overcome cancer. 

Dr. Park Woo Hee

□ Dr. Park Woo Hee, short bio

- Oriental Medicine Doctor, President of Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic (current), President of Sindorim Rapa Korean Medicine Clinic (former), Sinchon Koryo Korean Medicine Clinic (former)

- Graduated from Sangji University College of Korean Medicine, Completed master’s degree at the Department of Korean Neuropsychiatry, Kyung Hee University College of Korean Medicine

- World’s top life coach Tony Robbins Mastery University- Overseas Entrepreneur Networking

- Regular member: Korean Association of Traditional Oncology, the Korean Society of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, Korean Society of Integrative Oncology, Korean Immuno-Pharmacopunture Society, the Society of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research, Global Asian Medicine Association, the Society of Korean Medicine Pain Control & Drug Delivery System, the Korean Atopic Dermatitis Association, Institute of Juheng Acupuncture & Moxibustion

- Book, ‘Being angry is unfortunate enough, but am I get sick too?’ published by FeelBook Press


[NATURE/ Scientific Report]

Mica Nanoparticle, STB-HO Eliminates the Human Breast Carcinoma Cells by Regulating the Interaction of Tumor with its Immune Microenvironment

(link) https://www.nature.com/articles/srep17515

출처 : 위키리크스한국 

(link) http://www.wikileaks-kr.org/news/articleView.html?idxno=108153