Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic healing
both body and mind in a right way

Ultimate Mica

01. Ultimate Mica

In an aging society, a disease called
cancer is now so common
that it is rarely absent in every household.

There are so many different factors that cause cancer, it is difficult to determine the exact cause.
Some of the 60 trillion cells that make up the human body cause genetic abnormalities for various reasons and multiply to
become cancer cells. Cancer cells are produced in huge numbers every day, but most of them are eliminated thanks
to the immune system. “Cancer” is something that breaks through this surveillance network,
divides and grows to a size that can be seen with the naked eye (10 to the 9th power or more).

The cancer slowly grows, spreads out and jumps into the blood or lymph flow to spread to
distant organs, causing a variety of symptoms and ultimately taking the patient's life.

Cancer is a very colorful disease.

The organs or metastases of cancer, the nature of the cancer, the contents of treatment and
side effects or sequelae, as well as the personality and mood of the patient and his family,
and the social background are all different.

In the meantime, the cancer treatment that modern medicine has thrown in has chosen a treatment that destroys only
visible cells while killing intact cells with these three major therapies—surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy—without
figuring out where the root of the cancer came from.

This is the reason why many naturalists have already been rebelling against the contradictions of modern medicine.
Now, living with a declaration of war on cancer that 1 in 3 people will die from cancer in the future,
1 in 2 people will die from cancer.

New strategies and tactics to overcome the limitations of modern medicine in the fight against cancer. In this time of
need, we introduce mica, which contains life in nature, as a mica that will serve as a breakthrough in cancer
and incurable diseases with the keyword of integrated therapy.

Mica is a mineral herbal medicine and was used as an advanced medicine in Taoism, which is the root and
fundamental theory of oriental medicine.
It has been used for cancer and incurable diseases since ancient times, and many medical scriptures speak of its value.

Dongui Bogam (東醫寶鑑)

The nature is mild, the taste is sweet, and it is poison-free. It is used mainly for qi
deficiencies due to five kinds of strains and seven kinds of impairments.
It soothes the five solid organs, replenishes men's essence, brightens the eyes,
replenishes the middle energizer, and stops dysentery.

  • ① It tonifies the lungs.
  • ② Emulating Metal, Muscovitum is white in color, and enters the lungs.
    Grind and levigate before taking. 《本草》
Mica (雲母膏)
  • ① To treat all kinds of abscesses and carbuncles (癰疽) or malignant furuncles, pyogenic
    infections (腫毒), fractures, scrofula, pyogenic infections of bones, internal
    cellulitis (內疽), acute mastitis, lung abscesses (肺癰), and intestinal abscesses,
    apply or take it.
  • ② To treat the occurrence of the five kinds of carbuncles and cellulitis (五發) or
    abscesses and carbuncles and effusions of the back (癰疽發背), wash the sores with
    a decoction of rotten Typhae Pollen (蒲黃) and apply it.
Also, make pills with 1 nyang each of the mixture the size of a seed of a foxglove tree.
Take 30 pills with warm alcohol. To treat scrofula or pyogenic infections of the bone, do the same.
To treat intestinal abscesses, make pills and take with a decoction of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草). Upon doing so,
bloody pus comes out and it is cured at once. For all kinds of sores and lumps,
it has immediate effects when this is applied on the exterior. Do not take blood of a sheep. 《局方》

Efficacy of Mica in Korean 2021.

Medical Scriptures

Hyangyakjipseongbang. 鄕藥集成方.

It is used to treat flaky skin, stroke, chills, and motion sickness. Also, it lowers flush, strengthens bones and muscles,
relieves broken bones, and protects midsection.
olochilsang, it cures mental and physical fatigue and weak energy cased by tuberculosis and stops dysentery
It is non-toxic, so you can take it for a long time and if you do so, you will feel light and and your body will shine.
You will neither feel cold or hot and you mental strength will be empowered.

Sinnongbonchogyeong. 神農本草經.

In an ancient Chinese medicine scripture, it states that the tase of mica is ordinary and treat
physical exhaustion and morale It removes evil energy, relaxed your internal organs, boosts energy for men, improves
your eyesight, lightens your body and helps you live a longer life. If you take the mica for a long period of time,
your body becomes light, so it is considered as a medicine with the highest efficacy.

Bonchogangmog. 本草綱目.

According to pobagja, if one takes it for a year, all diseases will subside.
If taken for 3 years, even an old man will return like a child.
If one does not neglect taking it for 5 years, he will be able to possess demons,
he won’t burn in fire and will not get wet in fire,
his skin would not hurt when walking through a thorns, and he will be able to encounter a saint.
When taken for 5 years, he will rule nature.

The main component of mica
acid in trinity and
the scientifically proven efficacy
of mica

The main component of mica

Silicon Dioxide [Silicon (Si) + Oxygen (O2)] 55~75%

Comprehensive minerals such as germanium, selenium, various minerals, and alumina

Unit : wt.%

ingredient SiO2 Al2O8 Fe2O8 CaO MgO K2O Na2O TiO2 MnO P2O5 Ig-loss
62~74 14~19 1~5 0.3~1 0.5~0.8 4~5 0.2~0.5 0.06~0.4 0.02~0.09 0.09~0.2 2~4

The Japanese Society of Silicon Medical Sciences treats cancer
and autoimmunity with silicon.

The cell membrane of the human body consists of silicon as a main component,
and silicon prevents cancer by removing free radicals, brknown as the main culprit of cancer,
through its antioxidant and reducing action, and NK cells are activated to increase immunity. In addition,
it discharges toxins (heavy metals and various harmful substances) from our body, purifies
the blood, and strengthens blood vessels.

Efficacy of mica

  • 01Anti-tumor and immune normalizing effect
  • 02Increases blood circulation and inhibits inflammation
  • 03Increases blood circulation and inhibits inflammation.
    Increases the number and activation of NK cells, Activate macrophages
  • 04Inhibition of cancer cell angiogenesis through regulation of mineral signals in cancer cells
  • 05Reactive oxygen (ROS) : Confirmation of ROS inhibitory effect on cancer cells
  • 06Body resistance enhancing protein (HSP)

    It was confirmed that a decrease in heat shock protein used as a stress defense
    mechanism in cancer cells can cause cancer cell death.

Ultimate Mica Q&A

What is the main component of mica?

The main component of mica is silicon dioxide, which is silicon (Si) + oxygen (O2).
Depending on the gemstone,
it is usually made up of 55-75% silicon dioxide. And it is composed of general minerals
such as germanium, selenium, various minerals, and alumina.

How can mica cure cancer?

Japan-Medical science Institute of Silicon treats cancer and autoimmunity with silicon.
Mica is also the main treatment for cancer and autoimmune diseases. I think silicon has the greatest effect.
The effect of silicon is that it excretes heavy metals and various harmful substances
from the body through feces and urine. It also normalizes immune function,
treats immune evasion symptoms, induces white blood cells to attack cancer cells, reduces free radicals,
and inhibits the formation of blood vessels in cancer cells. And it has the ability to regenerate cellular tissue.
And oxygen has that second effect, and the space where cancer develops is where oxygen starvation is
severe. Mica is a living stone that contains oxygen.
It is treated by supplying oxygen to the space where the cancerous tissue is located.

Mica is a mineral (stone powder), but doesn't it accumulate in the body?

If mica is a mineral and you are worried about accumulating in the body, you need to worry
about accumulating in the body because various minerals such as zinc and magnesium that
we eat every day are also light metals.
The metals to worry about accumulating in your body are heavy metals. Heavy metals are toxic metals.
And mica is the most powerful detoxification drug that excretes heavy metals from the body.

Mica is stone powder, can it be used for a long time?

Mica has been used as a medicine for longevity as a Taoist secret. The Taoists always eat
mica among Taoist medicines, and laws and regulations have also descended to the secret rank of Taoism.
It was found to be safe as a result of animal testing through a long-term toxicity test.
Me and my family have been taking medication every day for over 2 years, and the elderly owner
of the mica mine has also been taking medication for over 30 years.

Does taking mica cause liver damage?

Mica is a drug that regenerates liver tissue. It is a very good and safe drug for the liver that also
changes liver cirrhosis tissue to normal tissue, and restores almost normal values to patients
with acute hepatitis (Y-GTP=GGT) in 3 months.

Do all mica work?

Among the stones that are now commonly known as mica, there is also illite. Effective mica is
sericite rather than illite. We first select effective mica that has passed heavy metal inspection,
component inspection, and visual inspection, and then, secondly, we ask the Cancer Molecular Targeting Research
Center of Kyung Hee University College of Medicine to conduct various cancer cell line tests and
strictly select and use only mica with effective results.

02. Trinity Acupressure

Trinity Acupressure

Trinity magnetic acupuncture is the self care treatment device based on
the Korean traditional acupuncture. This is the anion far infrared
magnetic treatment device, which is of no need for electricity and is harmless
to a human body. It is easy to use and carry, and you can conveniently use
it anywhere or anytime.

Self care treatment can mediate from the light to severe symptoms occurring
from daily lives including various muscle pain, sprain, arthritis, headache,
indigestion, stress disease, hypochondria, facial nerve palsy, stroke, etc.

Korean medicine content-based self care
acu-pointer magnetic treatment device

1 Characteristic of
Trinity Acupressure

This is the magnetic focus radiating home
medical device,
where it is developed to radiate
the wave to each focus.
There is no expendable, and you can use it
Simple contact will be effective
in mediating the symptom
such as muscle pain,
headache or indigestion.
You can conveniently use it anywhere
including your home
or workplace.

2 Trinity magnetic acupuncture principle

Magnet is embedded inside, and the N and S magnetic lines
penetrate to the human body in the different angle
by being radiated to each focus. It consists of a principle that
could help mediating various wide-range muscle pain.