We properly heal both body and mind of
suffering from cancer and
incurable diseases.

Treatment Program

01. Trinity Ultimate Mica Process

step 01

Set treatment goals

  • 1) Recurrence prevention
  • 2) Hospice care
  • 3) Life-sustaining treatment
  • 4) Survival treatment

step 02

Analysis and judgment of CT
/ medical records
(radiology and examination report)

step 03

Analysis of CBC test data

step 04

Prescribe mica in Combination
according to the characteristics
of the cancer and
the patient's propensity

step 05

Duration of taking through
scientific approach

It takes at least 2 months
to be effective.

02. Trinity Acupuncture

Trinity acupuncture is the authentic acupuncture of Korea passed down from Gojoseon era.
Through Trinity acupuncture of Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic, we mediate stress of cancer patients and anticancer side effects,
as well as maximize the anticancer capacity, recover the spirit and reinforce the immunity.

Juheng acupuncture which is the basis of
Trinity acupuncture is derived from the palace,
and was passed down manually.
Juheng acupuncture takes importance on the part which is invisible and is ignored by modern medicine.
For many patients who are not cured with anatomical recognition of the West only, the research on Juheng acupuncture continues.

‘Acupuncture from the palace doctors of
late Koryo and Joseon dynasties
= Juheng acupuncture’

KMD. Park Woo Hee develops our authentic acupuncture with Juheng acupuncture
and Trinity principle, and upholds her mission as the Korean medicine doctor.
Trinity acupuncture is a high dimensional therapy which sees the small universe in our body through Trinity principle,
and gives functional and psychological treatment by fitting the flow of universe in order.

for cancer patients

In order to mediate the cancer patient symptom such as anticancer therapy side effects
and carcinogenic fatigue and pain, acupuncture for cancer patients
made in 40 out of 45 NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the United States involving
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Harvard Dana-Farber Cancer Center, UCLA Hospital, etc.
It has been renowned as the standard treatment for cancer patients in the United States.

In Korea, the leading nation of Korean medicine, gives treatments to cancer patients
for mediating the symptom
with the acupuncture technique more advanced than the United States.
This Clinic uses Trinity acupuncture.
Cause of cancer is the decreased immunity
as well as the extreme amount of stress.

It is the basic of acupuncture treatment of releasing emotional energy and memory energy
which are stored and suppressed in the cancer patient’s body, and of releasing the blocked acupuncture points.
Basic treatment is of balancing the center of Im-maek energy (negative energy) and Doc-maek energy(positive energy)
which are the center energy of our body. The number of acupuncture treatment is
recommended as 2 to 3 times per week according to patient’s physical condition and symptom.
Trinity acupuncture is the original acupuncture, making your healthier every time you receive it.

  • 01

    Acupuncture on cancer patient’s pain

  • 02

    Acupuncture on carcinogenic fatigue

  • 03

    Acupuncture for immunity function improvement

  • 04

    Trinity acupuncture customized to cancer

  • 05

    Symptom treatment on nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite
    during anticancer therapy or radiotherapy

  • 06

    Acupuncture on the sense of heat for breast cancer patients

  • 07

    Acupuncture for other uncomfortable physical conditions of cancer patients

03. Trinity Mica Injection

Trinity Mica Injection is different from Western injection.

Unlike western injections of chemical substances, Trinity Mica Injection extracted
from pure herbal medicines is injected into the meridians and acupuncture points according
to the constitution and symptoms to increase the immune system of the human body.
Unlike general acupuncture, Trinity Mica Injection improves symptoms within a
short period of time because it exerts therapeutic effects while stimulating the meridians
and acupuncture points while the liquid is absorbed.

Why Trinity Mica Injection?

Trinity Mica Injection is an effective treatment for autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases,
chronic diseases, degenerative diseases, allergic diseases, and intractable diseases by not only controlling local pain,
but also enhancing the body's immunity through Susenghwagang and systemic treatment.
Trinity Mica Injection is a fast-acting and efficient treatment method
that can be treated even for patients who have difficulty taking herbal medicines.
Improving immunity and improving blood circulation/inflammation

  • 01

    Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • 02

    Regulation of endocrine function

  • 03

    Pain relief and arthritis treatment

04. Consultation Program

This begins with the medicine for bodies and minds,
which treats diseases of both body and mind of
the patients suffering from cancer or incurable diseases.

Using the ‘Family Constellation’ and EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique) of Bert Hellinger,
and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) technique of Tony Robbins, the World’s top life coach,
we apply the principle of healing, and help you to understand the logic of healing as self-loving
and self-recognition and to adopt them into your life.

Loving and acknowledging oneself is the first step of all healing.

Trinity Korean Medicine Clinic, where your body and mind is healed together in a right way,
help you to have emotional stability via the consultation program
for patient with tired body and mind due to cancer and incurable diseases.